First series of POLAMI papers

A series of 3 papers have just been published in MNRAS. In the first paper of this series (POLAMI Paper I) we present the results of the first 8 years of POLAMI observations, we provide detailed information about the observing program, the most intensively monitored source sample of ~40 sources, the data reduction and calibration, and we demonstrate the quality of our data by showing the results obtained for the main calibrators. The data obtained from the science targets, as well as the analysis and astrophysical implications of their circular polarisation properties and of their total flux and linear polarisation variability are shown in POLAMI Paper II, and Paper III, respectively. Detailed studies of specific sources and discussions of statistical aspects of our sample, like correlations with optical, gamma-ray, and millimetre VLBI data will be presented in separate publications, currently in preparation.